This is what you are looking for

Like most of you who landed in this page, I was looking for the webpage of the Saint Gabriel Parish. Was running late one night and wanted to confirm the last Mass schedule because a delayed mass the previous week got me a bit confused. Googled for the schedule and telephone numbers but found none. Missed mass that time.

Will try to post information here related to our parish. Maybe other parishioners can do the same. Am actually crossing my fingers that the students and graduates of Saint Gabriel Academy can help collect information about Saint Gabriel, our church and the community.

We can all use this as a temporary page for important announcements as we help plan and create a complete website.

Thank you so much. God Bless!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

First Degree Reiki

Annabelle Tigas-Corpus is with Gloria Bernardo and 2 others.
March 7 at 9:30 PM ·

Graduation day
First Degree Reiki
Batch 2. We brought Reiki healing, a universal life force energy to church and it is amazing how the Divine God and universal energy flows in each participants.

With Abi Coladilla.


Yummy snack..
Gluten free...

Thank you, Teacher A for your gift.
A souvenir from Tortola. BRITISH Virgin Island
And also to Gloria Bernardo for this lovely souvenir from Bangkok.
Not to forget our 'Selfie' photo and ehemmm
Wearing my lucky polo shirt!! — with Gloria Bernardo.
With Lilian Jarales-Hewlett.

With Lilian Jarales-Hewlett and Gloria Bernardo.

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