This is what you are looking for

Like most of you who landed in this page, I was looking for the webpage of the Saint Gabriel Parish. Was running late one night and wanted to confirm the last Mass schedule because a delayed mass the previous week got me a bit confused. Googled for the schedule and telephone numbers but found none. Missed mass that time.

Will try to post information here related to our parish. Maybe other parishioners can do the same. Am actually crossing my fingers that the students and graduates of Saint Gabriel Academy can help collect information about Saint Gabriel, our church and the community.

We can all use this as a temporary page for important announcements as we help plan and create a complete website.

Thank you so much. God Bless!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Reason to Believe

Americans are one of the most religious people in the western world. And with good reason. In the United States, attending religious services at least once a week is a strong predictor of happiness.

A 2006 report by the Pew Research Center found that 43 percent of people who attend church at least once a week reported being "very happy" while only 26 percent of those who attend "seldom or never" said the same.

It doesn't matter which faith you profess. The key is regular attendance.

Why should being religious bring us so much happiness?

"Religious communities provide people with opportunities to support others in need," says Harold G. Koenig, M.D. professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University. "Contributing to the lives of others provides a deep sense of happiness and joy. If you can relieve someone's pain or provide for some of their basic needs, it fills you with a feeling that's hard to replicate."

In addition, just about every major religion encourages us to take good care of our bodies. For instance, religious people are less likely to drink heavily or smoke, say Koenig.

As a result, religious people are healthier, and health is one of the biggest predictors of happiness.

Surprise, surprise. I found this in an email exchange between me and mum back in 2007. It would have been nice if I can give you the link to the original MSN article. Anyway, I hope we see more research of this kind.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish created opportunities for all of us to support each other and interact. That I think led to this happier community. Can you feel that when you attend church activities?

How happy are you?

Credit. Image retrieved from Phil Koch - Official Website ( Many thanks.

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