This is what you are looking for

Like most of you who landed in this page, I was looking for the webpage of the Saint Gabriel Parish. Was running late one night and wanted to confirm the last Mass schedule because a delayed mass the previous week got me a bit confused. Googled for the schedule and telephone numbers but found none. Missed mass that time.

Will try to post information here related to our parish. Maybe other parishioners can do the same. Am actually crossing my fingers that the students and graduates of Saint Gabriel Academy can help collect information about Saint Gabriel, our church and the community.

We can all use this as a temporary page for important announcements as we help plan and create a complete website.

Thank you so much. God Bless!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

PPC Choir Practice

Emelyn Delloro Dequina is with Gloria Bernardo and 5 others.
August 3 at 8:40 AM ·

PPC Choir Practice at St Gabriel Parish Cal.

We stand with Father Soc

Pray for Bishop Ambo

Roman Catholic Diocese of Kalookan
February 27 ·

Jesus, the Good Shepherd,,
You who did not give up on the lost sheep,
You who tended to your flock with
unconditional love and mercy,
You who gave hope to the outcasts in society,

We implore you to fill our shepherds with your spirit.
Grant them the courage to speak boldly when violence and injustice threaten to kill
our conscience.

Grant them the grace to embrace their mission to be salt and light of the earth when darkness and blandness of faith shroud the human spirit.

Grant them inner peace when evil forces plot to silence them.

When their burden becomes too heavy to bear, may they see your face in every being who struggles to follow your ways.

May they find comfort in your ever-abiding presence. Amen.

CSSD Meeting Aug 6

Emelyn Delloro Dequina is with Gloria Bernardo and Ethel Jeanne Leano.
August 6 at 1:27 PM ·

CSSD Meeting 08/06/19
At St.Gabriel the Archangel Parish Cal

Mother Butler Guild Diocese of Kal. Board courtesy call to Amb. Henrietta de Villa

Carmie Milet Solomon is feeling grateful with Gloria Bernardoand 10 others at Pope Pius XII Catholic Center, UN Ave.August 6 at 10:41 PM · Manila ·

Mother Butler Guild Diocese of Kal. Board courtesy call to Amb. Henrietta de Villa..
πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ˜‰ 08/06/2019 #OfficersandVicariateCoordinators

Sambayanihan training-seminar at San Roque Cathedral

Gloria Bernardo is with Cristina Diano Go.8/7/2019 @ the San Roque Cathedral for the Sambayanihan Training/Seminar- SGAP Ladies-in-whiteπŸ˜‡

18 hrs ·

Heroes Youth at St. Gabriel

Levie Condez is with Gloria Bernardo and Jay-r Roncales.

Congratulations to our SGAP Youth Ministry!

Congratulations to our Superheroes!

Happy Parish Day, St Gabriel the Archangel Parish!  Congratulations Parish Pastoral Council, Organizations and volunteers for a successful event!

God bless us all!