This is what you are looking for

Like most of you who landed in this page, I was looking for the webpage of the Saint Gabriel Parish. Was running late one night and wanted to confirm the last Mass schedule because a delayed mass the previous week got me a bit confused. Googled for the schedule and telephone numbers but found none. Missed mass that time.

Will try to post information here related to our parish. Maybe other parishioners can do the same. Am actually crossing my fingers that the students and graduates of Saint Gabriel Academy can help collect information about Saint Gabriel, our church and the community.

We can all use this as a temporary page for important announcements as we help plan and create a complete website.

Thank you so much. God Bless!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Feast of the Sto. Nino

Today we celebrate the feast of the Santo Nino.

Maybe we can try going through the day like a child - innocent, free of negativity. Childlike, not childish, we pursue our missions in this life.
The most famous celebrations are the ones done in Tondo, Manila and Cebu. The latter, being a week long  activity that culminates today.
Viva, El Señor Sto. Niño

Friday, January 19, 2018

Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help (Baclaran Version, English)

I had an out of town trip recently with the family. But to my horror, I forgot to bring my Novena book. So here we post the Novena, ready to be prayed any day, any time.

This is as written in the P15 booklet sold outside the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Though googling novenas to our Mother will show us a huge bunch, it just feels different when I pray the Baclaran version, to which we have grown much familiar with. 

My Novena book of 10 years